A roadmap for lay clients

Direct Access clients may not be familiar with the legal process. Reassure them with clear communication about what happens next.

Navigating an unfamiliar world

I went to see a surgeon this week.

After the consultation, I was dispatched into a hospital process I didn’t understand.

My surgeon is, probably, a very good surgeon.  But my confidence in him was diminished because I left the consultation confused about what happens next.

Use roadmaps to create clarity

A good doctor puts a patient at ease by explaining the medical process. A good barrister puts a Direct Access client at ease by explaining the legal process.

If you work regularly with clients who are in a legal process for the first time, consider creating a visual roadmap.

Use it to talk to your client about what happens next and give them a copy to take away at the end of the con.

Roadmap inspiration

The purpose of your roadmap is to provide enough information so that your client understands where they are in the process.

It will be tempting to add layer upon layer of detail but design the content with your client in mind.

Provide just enough detail so that your client can keep track of where you – and they – are in the process.

For inspiration, go to Pinterest and search Instructographics.

Make it easy for your clients

I work with a great designer who creates visual roadmaps.

I’ll talk you through the steps in your roadmap and my designer can create it for you.

Book a call with me here and together we will create a less stressful experience for your very next client.

By Heidi Smith
Creator of Jurilogical.com
Connect with Heidi on LinkedIn

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